Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Easy Natural Acne Solutions That Will Definitely Work For You

By Juile Poh

No one would choose to have pimples. They make you worry about how you look. Sometimes they even hurt. And you never know when one is going to show up. Most of us spend our teenage years fervently wishing to be adults because, among other things, grownups aren't supposed to get acne. But acne can also occur in adults, so reaching a certain age is no guarantee you'll be spared. Adults sometimes behave like teenagers when they notice acne, and try to remove the zits immediately. This isn't the best approach. Remember that your skin changes as you get older. As people get older, their skin isn't as resilient, so you have to be gentler with it. If you want to cure your acne, then, you should stick to natural methods.

In all likelihood, you've got at least one package of oatmeal in your kitchen. It's one of those things almost everybody has. It's a breakfast food we buy with the best of intentions and then ignore in favor of sweeter and more tempting alternatives. You don't have to eat oatmeal to benefit from it! Don't put it in your mouth, but on your pimples! It can help you eliminate acne and make your skin healthier. If your skin is oily, oatmeal is particularly good for your skin type. That's why there are so many online sites that tell you how to create oatmeal masks. It's not difficult to learn how to make these.

Lemon is a natural antiseptic which is why it can help. Lemon juice is also a natural anti-inflammatory solution, and can also help control bacterial levels. This is one of the reasons that lemon is so popular in household cleansers as well. What you eat will inevitably factor in to how clear your face is. Oily food will not necessarily give you acne unless, of course, you rub it into your face while eating. The pores in your face could actually be clogging from the inside due to the type of junk food that you eat regularly. The acne that you have may be the result of your body trying to purge impurities from your system through your pores because of what you eat. Your skin will definitely be better if you avoid any type of junk food during the week.

One of the best ways to fight acne is to get enough sleep. Sleeping allows your body to regenerate and cleanse itself which is how you can prevent acne. You can externally and internally help your body by sleeping. Also, if you have applied any type of natural acne remedies, this gives them time to work. Sleep helps fight against stress. The more stress you feel and experience, the worse your outbreaks of acne will be. A common goal is to sleep eight hours every night. Medical help is available in case sleeping regularly is not something that you can naturally do.

Many things exist today that combat acne. Most of us run to the pharmacy and buy the biggest, baddest, nastiest chemicals we can find to counteract zits and blemishes. What if chemical solutions were not your only option? This article is showing you three distinct ways that you can naturally combat acne. You just need to try them. You really should give them all a try.

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