Monday, November 14, 2011

Do Not Let Acne Get You Down Anymore

By Brandy Baker

Once thought to be the bane of teenagers alone, acne and other skin irritations can affect men and women in all age groups. Rather than allowing the redness and uneven texture of pimples and acne lesions to overwhelm you, try the advice in this handpicked selection of acne tips and tricks, to improve the appearance of your skin.

If you're using benzoyl peroxide on your acne, put it on when you're naked! This product can actually bleach the fabrics it lands on, leaving little light spots wherever your face might have brushed by. Avoid this by applying your benzoyl peroxide product in the shower while you have no clothes, not even a towel, on.

To prevent acne, it's important to wash your face every day to remove any dirt, dead skin and extra oil from the skin. Never use hot water or harsh soaps, as these can irritate the skin. Instead, use warm water and a gentle cleanser to lift away any impurities that may be on the skin.

Keeping your hair out of your face is a good way to prevent acne. Hair contains oils which can get onto your skin from regular contact and lead to breakouts. If you have long hair or bangs, tie them back to keep them away from your face as much as possible.

Sea salt is a great tool to use if you want to get rid of acne. It helps to make your skin less oily, which in turn, helps to clear out blackheads and acne. Simply add a teaspoon of seal salt into a bowl of hot water. Put a towel around your head and let the steam seep into your pores.

A great tip that can help prevent you from getting acne is to make sure you keep your stress levels in check. Hormones that are related to stress can cause acne. Try meditating or whatever you can to keep your stress levels down so that you don't develop acne.

You need to wash your pillowcase often if you are prone to acne. The oils that the face produces can collect on the pillowcase and cause you to breakout even worse. By washing the pillowcase, you will be limiting your faces exposure to the oils on the pillowcase and thus lowering the number of breakouts.

The key to acne control is to keep things simple! It's important to use as few products as you can on your skin to ensure that you don't overwhelm it. The more creams, masks, tonics, and pills you throw at the problem, the more you'll shake up the balance of your entire system.

Be sure to wash your face at least 2 times a day. This will ensure you don't have any bacteria on your face. Be sure you aren't too rough when washing. If you notice your skin is getting irritated from washing too much, cut back how often you are doing it.

As stated before, for anyone who wants flawless and clean skin, acne can be a great nuisance. Gruesome blemishes, pimples, and blackheads can turn a beautiful face into an ugly one in an instant. By using the tips from this article, you can stop acne dead in its tracks and preserve greatness of your skin.

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