Friday, November 11, 2011

Three Quick Tips To Obtain A Fair Complexion And Get Rid Of Acne

By Allan Marsh

Acne comes in different forms and occurs in different points in life, but the one you definitely remember would be worst - the one you may have gotten as a teenager (if you aren't still one) as your hormone levels were drastically changing. These hormones signal the skin glands to produce more oil. When this oil mixes with dead cells, it can clog pores in the skin and trap bacteria as well. The result is often a raised tissue area characterized by swelling, redness, and pus. In layman's terms, pimples - a telltale sign of acne, no matter when you get it.

Do not underestimate the negative effects of acne - while the physical manifestations are bad enough, the emotional consequences can be dire in some cases. Although mild acne can not be entirely prevented, you can take three steps to minimize its impact.

Slow, Gradual Skin Cleansing. Make sure this is done thoroughly, yet gently, starting with a wash of lukewarm water. Avoid scrubbing your face too hard or washing it too often. This can actually aggravate your acne. You also do not want to use hair care or skin care products with an abundance of oil. Instead, use water-based skin care soaps that gently cleanse your skin, such as Neutrogena or Dove.

Apply Topical Ointments. An over the counter topical ointment can be applied on those nasty patches at least once a day, but not exceeding three times a day. We recommend products such as Clearasil, the venerable ointment that contains two important, active ingredients - benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Benzoyl peroxide aids acne by unclogging pores that may have been clogged in the process, while salicylic acid fights blemishes by allowing your skin to chap off naturally. Tea tree oil is another active ingredient that might be of help, as it can be found in ointments, gels, lotions and creams, same with alpha-hydroxy acid. But too many cooks can spoil the broth - using these products simultaneously and too often could make acne worse. Do not, unless your doctor or dermatologist expressly tells you to, apply these agents any more than three times in the span of a day!

Acne Dont's. Here are just a few of the actions that you must avoid that could cause your acne to flare up - overexposure to sunlight, wearing tight clothing that could rub against acne areas, working with oil or chemicals harmful to the skin, touching the face excessively, sporting activities that cause you to sweat, long bangs that could touch acne areas, or use of hair agents that contain oils. Do not squeeze your pimples. The effects of squeezing pimples include, but are not limited to infection and heavier-duty scarring.

Mild acne may be a pain to many, but it normally doesn't last forever. Most people will outgrow acne by their early-twenties, so there is reason to be optimistic. Regardless of how old you are, you want to religiously follow the easy steps detailed above to control, or better yet, get rid of acne. But if in the event you currently have a severe case of acne, it would be best to see a dermatologist.

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