Sunday, November 27, 2011

Treat The Root Cause of Acne Blemishes

By Larry Blogg

People affected by acne tend to follow some rules to keep acne blemishes controlled. Some recommendations are to expose yourself to the sun, squeezing pimples and to keep away from certain foods. These are just myths about breakouts that can actually harm your skin, generating more breakouts that can eventually cause scarring.

Acne Myths

Bacteria: Bacteria seem to be the main suspect. Due to this reason, people tend to over-wash the skin. Over-washing your face will strip your skin from essential lipids that are needed to provide lubrication to your skin. A lack of surface lipids will make the skin dry and irritated which will generate an over-production of sebum. Sebum accumulates and clogs along with dead skin cells within pores, resulting in breakouts. A great advice is to clean your face, not more than two times a day with a mild soap or cleanser.

Popping Zits: Squeezing a zit can seem to be a fast solution to eliminate breakouts. This is really not the best acne care remedy as it generates irritation and inflammation of the skin, making the zit last for longer. Too much squeezing can trigger the appearance of a brown mark and these ugly marks can eventually become even uglier acne scars.

Sun Tanning: Sun tanning is another myth to eliminate zits. Tanning is a temporary solution because the sun dries the skin which means that it is just another hosting method for other skin ailments. If you over-expose your skin to the sun, your skin can also get irritated. When you sunburn, the body starts its own healing process. If your skin is heavily burned, the body's healing process can result in scarring.

Diet: It has been speculated for a long time that a poor diet promotes the appearance of breakouts. Greasy foods are the main suspects in this theory. These foods are generally filled with sugars and high fat values which are never good for the body in the first place. They can however be enjoyed in moderate amounts because there is no scientific evidence that these foods trigger acne.

It is well-known that acne affects the majority of the population at some time, making it the most commonly treated skin condition. Today, skin creams are watching over people with acne problems. Their goal is to get rid of acne and repair acne lesions by going deeper in the root causes of this problem. Some natural skin creams act directly in the injured area providing several advantages to the skin. Some of the benefits you want to find when deciding what skin care product to use are detailed below.

1. They moderate the inflammatory reaction triggered by even the slightest lesion in the sebum canals by supporting the protective strategies of the innate immune system of the skin, directly within the hair follicles and at the site of skin lesions.

2. Skin creams provide cellular messengers that inform to your body that it is being taken care of and that it can control an extreme inflammatory reaction. This means that it may end up destroying healthy skin cells and not only the bacteria and sebum that has turned into a foreign matter.

Acne treatment cream fights bacterial infection by signaling your system to increase the release of the skin's own natural antimicrobial peptides. This defends your system and protects your skin from bacteria, microbes, and parasites. Furthermore, it cannot create any bacterial resistance whatsoever.

Creams unblock clogged pores with gentle enzymes that both dissolve and "digest" the plugs, with no peeling or dryness. However, the skin is deeply moisturized and allows the healthy skin regeneration process. They also remove scars and release amino-acids that help to rebuild damaged tissues quickly. The side effects of Accutane can be reduced. They provide antioxidants that fight off free radicals.

Persistent Acne and Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Premature Skin Aging

While moderate to severe acne will cause the skin to age quickly, the use of benzoyl peroxide will significantly increase this speed. It creates free radicals and it is known to cause premature skin aging, just like repeated sun exposure or persistent acne. Damage is determined by the concentration of benzoyl peroxide, the frequency, and duration of use.

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