Sunday, November 13, 2011

Zits Home Solutions

By Marvella Dietsch

If you are in your teenage years, it would appear that zits is a persistent curse that everyone you know battles. It is such an unrelenting plague that comparisons to the Black Death might apply. But few people die from acne breakout although your social life might seem like it has unless you care for the problem before it gets too bad. But problems with zits don't just afflict the young. Many adults in all ages ranges have occasional outbreaks of the disease.

Unlike a lot of diseases, acne breakouts is no problem that everybody has to visit the doctor to get treatment. Dermatologists would probably like it if we all lined up at their door with every flurry of acne we get. And in some cases when the problem become chronic or with varieties of acne breakout that are genuinely dangerous, medical help is definitely called for.

It has an old saying that goes "the best revenge is living well". That saying also applies to the best cystic acne treatment. And as any mom will show you, the best treatment for pimple is prevention. It truly is just a matter of some very simple diet and hygiene lifestyle choices that can be done that will eliminate 90% of the zits problems that most of us go through. Some of those choices include...

. Eliminate fatty snacks from your diet including soft drinks and chips.

. Drink plenty of water. Water keeps the skin rinsed out and clean from inside.

. Reduce how much fried foods you eat. Instead, eat more fresh and raw vegetables. The nutrients you get from that diet will give your skin a great deal to work with.

. Wash your face with a simple detergent soap at least two times a day but especially before bed. Don't use soaps with plenty of perfumes in them. Use a washcloth and give your skin a good scrubbing. This will damage the existing acne breakouts pimples and clean them out and remove excess oils that could become acne overnight.

. Girls take off the make off early later in the day and wash your face well. Give your skin plenty of time to breathe.

. Follow other good health practices such as getting good sleep and eating well rounded meals. It helps your general health which directly benefits your skin.

It truly is dependent on common sense to have healthy skin and to fight off pimple. You'll probably still have an occasional outbreak. But everybody gets that so if you're consistent in your healthy lifestyle choices, it will likely be reflected in great looking skin. Which make it worth it to just learn to live well.

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