Friday, December 16, 2011

Treat Acne Scars and Acne Blemishes with All Natural Advanced Products

By Alina Fitzharris

Everyone wants stunning skin. And, attaining gorgeous skin is often described as top individual beauty priority of men and women.

And, why not? Clear, glowing skin is a universal symbol of robust beauty and fitness that spans the ages of human existence and crosses all cultural boundaries.

Sadly , many individuals suffer moderate to uncontrolled acne blemishes during their teen years and bear the scars acne leaves behind for the remainder of their adult lives.

Acne is caused by an oily substance produced by your body called sebum. Sebum protects and moisturizes your hair and skin. During periods of stress and during puberty, sebum can overpower healthy cells. Sebum clogs your pores and robs your body of critical oxygen. This leads to your immune system to go to work immediately.

Disinterested in beauty, the sole purpose of your immune system is to protect you from possibly life threatening conditions. The result is acne redness and swelling, while a division of macrophage soldier cells works to clear away excess, hardened sebum obstructing your pores.

War carries a price! Healthy cells die; and, in the midst of this intra-body conflict, propionibacterium multiply. Propionibacterium is non-pathogenic bacteria that lives in your sebum glands and helps your body produce sebum, multiplies. This results in a sequence: Acne symptoms increase; more cells die, and scars form.

Standard over-the-counter products treat acne by drying your skin. Prescription pharmaceuticals have been found to have cruel, long-term side-effects including ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, liver damage, suicide and depression.

Luckily, advanced acne treatment products like BIOSKINFORTE are all natural creams that will help manage the production of sebum and prevent it from hardening and blocking pores. They contain ingredients to repair damaged cells and reduce the brutal inflammation brought on by your ever-vigilant immune system.

BIOSKINFORTE is an incredible innovation that contains a commonly occurring serum found in - believe it or not - the immunological system of a tiny snail with skin characteristics exceptionally like human skin.

For many of us nonetheless , treating acne is now not an issue. We are left to cope with the aftermath - the unpleasant and embarrassing facial scars - acne leaves behind.

Rolling scars occur when tissue develops between the skin's surface and deeper structures. These bands pull at the skin and give it a "wave-like" appearance. Boxcar scars are caused by inflamed acne lesions that destroy skin tissue and leave hollow areas on the skin. Pitted "ice pick" scars mark permanently injured skin tissue.

Regardless of what you call them, acne scars are distressing reminders of adolescence that repress confidence and self-assurance throughout adulthood.

Fortunately , advanced dermatology and cosmetic science has made incredible advances in recent years. Modern products, like BIOSKINEXFOL contain natural ingredients and enzymes that melt scar tissue. These products contain microcrystals that polish away scars and exfoliate the skin. Potent moisturizers restore the lipid barrier of the skin and peptides and anti-oxidants improve overall skin condition.

If you are young and experiencing the heartbreak and embarrassment of acne, modern, natural acne treatments can help without exposing you to dangerous complications. If you wear the scars of acne, would like to enhance your appearance, gain greater confidence, or just do what you can to minimize acne scars, consider trying a totally natural product like BIOSKINEXFOL or BIOSKINREPAIR. You'll be amazed at how well these products work. You will look better and feel better, too.

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