Sunday, January 15, 2012

Use This Information To Help You Win The Battle Against Acne

By Lucy Wallis

Having acne is, unfortunately, something that people from all walks of life have to suffer with. The silver lining here is that this condition can be easily treated as long as you're applying the right types of tactics. Find out what you need to do to fight against your acne as you read on.

To avoid unnecessary breakouts, clean your face several times a day for a couple of days following a new haircut. Most people do not realize that haircuts are a very common cause of breakouts; the new length of your hair causes it to touch and abrade an area of your skin that has not built up a resistance to the contact.

To reduce the amount of acne on your face one can avoid touching their face with their hands. Touching your face can transfer oils from your hands onto your face. Once this oil is on the face it can clog pores and cause more acne to develop on the individuals face.

In order to prevent your acne from becoming more severe, you must never pop your pimples. When you pop your pimples, the bacteria clogged within your pores will be released, and can spread over the rest of your face resulting in greater inflammation and irritation. The bacteria on your hands can also intensify your acne.

Acne can be a very difficult condition to deal with. In the first place, it is deforming and usually the pimples are most obvious on the face. Many people think if they just eat right and clean their skin properly it will go away, but the source is really inside. A dermatologist can prescribe medication to help.

Try an oatmeal mask. Oatmeal can be a great way to treat acne because it is a natural exfoliator and calms inflammation. Cook it like you normally would, then mix it with honey. Apply to your face and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

Take a multi-vitamin every day to help combat acne! Acne can sometimes be due to your nutrition. Lacking certain nutrients can promote the accumulation of toxins in your body! The development of these toxins may sometimes encourage the excretion through your pores, which can result in blockage and ultimately acne.

Typically all acne related articles and advice from people is based upon what you can do to prevent and even treat acne. However, if you can apply the tips and information from this article based on what you should not be doing in regards to acne, you will find yourself in a better situation.

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