Monday, April 30, 2012

How To Reduce Zits With Diet Plans For Acne

By Sean T Saunders

If you are one among the numerous people around the world that are afflicted by the skin disease acne, then you might be interested to know about some of the recent scientific research findings related to this condition. These experiments have shown that, contrary to medical opinion for many years now, that your diet has a very large impact on whether or not you will be afflicted with the skin disease and how severe the problem could turn out to be. Teenagers living in undeveloped nations that eat a more holistic diet have far fewer cases of acne than teenagers who eat a processed, western diet.

A major cause in acne formation is the excessive production of sebum oil in the skin by the sebaceous oil glands. Primarily located in the upper torso and the facial areas, these glands are a significant factor in the development of acne. A lot of western style diets are high in sugar and this high glycemic diet can raise blood sugars in the body to abnormal levels very quickly. When this occurs, the pancreas starts to overproduce insulin as well as male hormones in an attempt to stabilize the blood sugar content. This induces sebum oil production by the sebaceous glands.

Your diet probably has a large portion of dairy products included in it. Yogurt, cheese, milk and all other milk products are prepared from the milk obtained from lactating cows so there is a very high level of estrogen, a female hormone, in them. Your system can act in response to these female hormones by inducing the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum that puts your skin at a higher risk of acne infections. In western countries,almost all of the products made from grain which have been refined and processed so much that all the minerals, vitamins, fiber and nutritional value are lost. Western diets also contain too much sodium.

You have specific acne diets which can be followed in order to bring the skin disease under control and these acne diets can even help the overall health of the body. Your body requires lots of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty oils so as to resist inflammation and skin damage caused by free radical molecules and toxins. The kinds of foods that provide these ingredients include products that are made from whole grains, fresh leafy green vegetables and cold water oily fish. A multi vitamin and mineral supplement which includes all the essential nutrients can also be taken on a routine basis to ensure proper nutrition.

When following an acne diet there are many food stuffs which can be used to help the body fight against the skin disease. Oils like sesame and olive are monosaturated and contain types of fatty acids that are vital for maintaining your skin in good healthy condition. Green tea contains ingredients that are called catechins that act as anti-inflammatory agents and protect the skin from damage. Berries are the type of fruits which have phytochemicals that assist in preserving the skin health. Green leafy vegetables and orange colored vegetables such as pumpkin, carrot contain a form of vitamin A called beta-carotene which can function as an excellent skin protector. Chromium and zinc are two minerals that help in the wound healing process and thus help to minimize acne skin inflammation.

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