Monday, April 23, 2012

Natural Acne Treatments That Actually Work

By Pinky Arnisola

Acne is a problem many people suffer with, and natural acne treatments can often be as effective as drugs for clearing up your skin. A little research on your part will reveal several remedy recommendations for treating acne. Not all treatments work for everyone, so you may have to apply a little trial-and-error before you find a treatment plan that clears up your acne. This article will provide you with some good natural acne treatments that many people have had success with.

There is a home remedy that is basically a facial mask that is simple to prepare and is quite effectual. These are uncomplicated to put together and you most likely have these things in your kitchen. For instance, baking soda is a great exfoliate and all you need to do is take a damp cloth and put some of the soda on it. You rub this over your face gently for a few minutes and then rinse it off and dry your face with a towel.

Oatmeal is another type of beneficial facial, yes the same cereal you have for breakfast. Just prepare the oatmeal as if you were going to eat it, give it a little time to cool and then just apply it to your face and let it stay there for about 20 minutes. Rinse and dry afterwards. To get the outcome you would hope for; you need to do the facial mask daily for a few weeks. There are some home remedies for acne that consist of ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen cupboard. Lemon juice is one of these remedies; it can be placed right on your pimples. Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic that will help you clear up your acne. Drinking the lemon juice can also be helpful and you can do this by squeezing a little bit of it into some water that you then drink. Something else that works in a similar way is apple cider vinegar and it can be applied directly to the area that affects you. You could also choose to drink the apple cider vinegar which means that you mix a little bit of it with a glass of water and drink it that way.

It might be a good idea to get some acne clearing treatments from an esthetician. These people, even though they aren't doctors, have lots of training and will know just what is good for your skin type. Not only will they offer you good treatments when you visit, they will often recommend the best products that you can use between appointments too. Spas are typically the biggest employers of estheticians and it's a good idea to do some asking around to see if there is one in your area who comes highly recommended. These are individuals who will help you take better care of your skin in general and they might have some really helpful suggestions for clearing up your acne.

You can find all sorts of different natural acne treatments like minerals and vitamins and herbs and facial masks. We have only talked about a few of the most effective acne remedies in this article and if you do some more research you will find that there are a lot more out there to choose from. Do not get discouraged by your acne, lots of other people are dealing with it too and you will eventually find a good treatment.

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