Thursday, December 22, 2011

Acne Scars Treatment: Non Surgical Options

By Danna Finnerand

Surgery can be a scary alternative for anyone, even when faced with minor intervention there is always an innate concern when it comes to anesthesia and going under the knife. Luckily, there are non-surgical options that can help you deal with certain problems like acne scar removal.

When acne is badly treated the end result is usually acne scarring. Some cases of acne, especially severe cases, can lead to extensive scarring. Unfortunately, most of the scar tissue appears where acne breakouts are most prevalent, on the face.

Non surgical scar treatment involves skin resurfacing and scar creams. You can try either or both options depending on the type and severity of your scar. Here's a look at each type of treatment.

Treatment for Acne Scars: Skin Resurfacing

Acne scars, or any type of scar for that matter, can be either hypertrophic or atrophic. This means that they can be sunken into the skin (atrophic) or rise above the surface of the skin (hypertrophic). Treatment methods will also depend on the type of scar that you wish to treat.

A very common type of treatment option is laser therapy. This procedure is quite successful with smaller scars. However, there are a few problems associated to this type of treatment. These problems are skin burning and increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Another type of treatment are chemical peels and dermabrasion which can also help you deal with scars. However, these types of treatment are more commonly used on older people to treat age spots, scars, and wrinkles.

There is however, a more gentle alternative to chemical peels and dermabrasion and that option is microdermabrasion. In fact there are several women that consider this treatment to be the best scar treatment available. It is a quick procedure and relatively painless, but it does require you to undergo several sessions before producing any noticeable results.

Another Treatment for Acne Scars: Scar Creams

Scar creams are the most gentle alternative to surgery for scar removal. These products can take many months to produce results, but they do not require downtime and are painless. This is doesn't seem to bother most people that are easily sold on the idea of a painless recovery.

Of course, a good scar cream must contain the right ingredients for it to be effective. Some of the best ingredients include rose hip seed oil and snail serum. Both of these ingredients are capable of "dissolving" scar tissue and promoting the growth of new and healthy skin cells.

They can also boost the production of collagen, which is essential to healthy skin. Neither rose hip seed oil nor snail serum cause any side effects. This makes them ideal for the treatment of any type of skin.

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