Friday, October 21, 2011

Acne: An Overview Of Its Causes And Management

By George Sratter

Acne results when the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. The trapped sebum acts as a rich medium to which microbes can proliferate and trigger inflammatory responses in the surrounding area. Acne development results from the interaction of a number of causes. Hormonal activity especially during puberty can cause the skin to make more sebum which in turn clogs the pores. It tends to be genetic as well, which means that if you are suffering from pimples, it is quite likely that other members in your family have both history and likelihood of suffering from breakouts.

Emotional stress may possibly bring about or aggravate acne. Although exact mechanisms are not fully understood, researches made revolving around this contention have consistently generated strong links. Pimple breakouts may also be associated with what you eat. The latest studies have demonstrated that those who eat food that have high glycemic load are more prone to this skin problem.

There are several things you can do to prevent and treat acne. One of these is by consuming an anti-acne diet. Given that food items that are rich in simple sugars are identified as triggers to skin breakouts, it would be wise to refrain from eating them. This would mean cutting down on your intake of chocolates and other sweets. You can instead replace them with carbohydrates that have lower glycemic index, breads and pasta made from whole grain for instance.

Anti-acne diets also include high protein food items like legumes and lean meats. Then again, on its own this diet won't likely clear your skin of pimples entirely. Just the same, an anti-acne diet is in essence a well-balanced diet and therefore will greatly improve your overall health which in turn will add a healthy glow to your skin.

Anti-acne diets are best coupled with a good amount of exercise. The resultant increase in blood flow will bring oxygen and much needed nutrients to your skin and remove waste in the process. In addition, it is a good way of relieving yourself of stress. You can find plenty of topical anti-acne solutions which you can buy over the counter. It would be best to see a dermatologist still because some products may not be right for you and leave you having more pimples than before.

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