Friday, October 21, 2011

Wish To Know Which Home Remedy For Acne Doesn't Work?

By James K. McHugh

If you're suffering from adult acne, you might believe that you're unusual. The great news is that you're not alone. But most over-the-counter acne cures are designed for adolescents. So what should you do if you wish to eliminate your adult acne? Why not try a home remedy for acne?

Now, there are a number of acne home remedies in existence; a number of them work, and others aren't anything more than old wive's tales. So to help you choose the best home remedy to take care of your acne breakouts, let's first examine the ones that will deliver. Green tea and tea tree oil have both been proven in research to work at getting rid of acne, and are available in a wide selection of skin care products.

Eating a balanced diet has also been shown to moderately help acne, particularly if you scale back on high glycemic index ingredients and dairy. Along with this, make sure that you eat more fresh whole grain products, fruits, vegetables and water.

Naturally, there's also home remedies for acne that don't work, or at a minimum haven't been scientifically proven to work. Detox diets, for example, have grown to be extremely popular over the last couple of years, and are supposed to offer all kinds of health advantages, including removing acne.

But many medical professionals point out that detox diets don't really do anything at all for the body; and of course no research have been performed that verify detox diets can enhance the appearance of your skin. So if you would like to try a detox diet, just to see if it will clear up your acne, at the very least speak with your medical doctor initially.

Not all home remedies for acne are diet connected. There are plenty of formulas available for peels, toners, face washes, and masks. Before applying just anything to your face, ensure that you do your homework to learn if the recipe has been proven to work. Sometimes it just makes more sense to adhere to treatments that other people have tried before you spend the cash to purchase a lot of ingredients that may not work.

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