Sunday, December 18, 2011

Teenager's FYI Corner on Acne

By Ailene Cano

Combating acne is an undertaking that millions of teenagers are being subjected to. With the changing body structure and processes during adolescence, including surge in hormones, unwanted conditions like acne develops. Lucky are those who do not have to deal with it. But for those who are inflicted with the various kinds of acne is a different story.

For teenagers, hormones play an important role as it normally triggers the oil glands to produce more sebum than normal as well as faster shedding of dead skin cells. Acne occurs when the skin's pores gets clogged by dirt, dead skin cells, and sebum, that causes an overgrowth of bacteria and eventually would lead to inflammation.

You see, it usually takes two (2) to three (3) weeks before acne would appear on the skin's surface either as small spots, rash, whiteheads, black heads, cysts, pustules, papules, etc. It may be further characterized by unsightly red bumps with white spots, deep scars, as well as deformation of some facial features, depending on how serious the condition is. For some it may be temporary, for others the condition may be so severe that it already affects their self confidence and their daily activities. So basically, what you see is the terminal stage of the process.

To get rid of this, many would resort to over the counter products like lotions, creams, facial wash, scrubs, and other acne cleanse products. But for cases where typical remedies no longer works or had never worked at all, it may be very helpful to see a doctor or a dermatologist soon in order to get a more thorough assessment and medical advice. It is possible that a stronger type of medication or treatment with antibiotics or steroids may be required to clear the acne breakout and prevent scarring.

Feel free to check the World Wide Web for different kinds of resources especially if you need more information about acne. Or better yet seek medical advice from a trusted medical practitioner, who is highly trained in dealing with various kinds of skin conditions.

Also, understand that you are not the only one having this kind of ordeal. Acne can be treated. So if whatever it is that you are using or doing doesn't work, just keep on trying other regimens, as much as possible under medical supervision to ensure safety and efficacy. Moreover, be patient as treating acne is not an overnight thing and may take of up to few weeks or even months to see good results.

Thanks for your time, hopefully you learned something from this article! Check out Acne Erasing Secrets on Youtube or Facebook below to learn more!

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