Friday, November 11, 2011

How Does Hormonal Acne Treatment Work For Men And Women For Real

By Eugene Yeng

Flare ups and breakouts can crush your self confidence like nothing else can. Pimples and zits on the face can stop you from meeting up with friends or declining blind dates. It can also make the green eyed monster rear its ugly head when a friend has clear glowing skin every single day. If you have tried all that there is to try with regard to topical application of creams, it is pertinent to ask- does hormonal acne treatment work for men and women.

A breakout is characterized by redness and eruptions all over the affected area with increased oiliness. Creams and ointments may seem to work for a while but then its back to zit-land once you stop using them. This is because the cream manufacturers want you to keep buying them throughout your life. The fleeting relief you experience may make you dependent on their products.

It is a misconception to believe that only teenagers are affected by acne. Most men and women have them well beyond their teens. In fact, women get breakouts during pregnancy, menopause or even during menstruation. The hormonal nature of these events cause women to have more sudden breakouts than men. Men may get them in their teens but they usually persist for at least a few more years.

Breakouts are just a hormone-related problem and are not a disease per se. The oil glands in the body called sebaceous glands are controlled by hormones. So managing hormones will easily manage the skin problem.

It is possible to achieve clear skin by tackling the root cause of the trouble. To do this, we must understand how zits are caused. Due to some events like puberty, pregnancy, menopause or menstruation, the body undergoes changes and the amount of hormones secreted may increase or decrease. The normal balance of these chemicals in the body is disrupted. When this happens, the oil production in the body may increase. This along with dirt and bacteria can block the skin's pores, which get inflamed to form zits.

The hormones that cause the flare up in women can be estrogen or androgen. Estrogen is the female hormone that may be produced in wrong amounts during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause. Too much of androgen can cause the excess oil production. So the therapy should normalize the amounts of these hormones in the body.

To set the hormone levels right in the body, hormonal therapy can be used. It does not introduce artificial chemicals into the body but helps restore natural hormone levels. This way the main cause of the zits are addressed, which is why they are superior and more effective than topical creams. They also last longer and are more permanent than topical application.

The substances used in hormonal therapy are anti-androgen drugs or androgen receptor blockers, oral corticosteroids or anti oxidants. Anti oxidants help combat the free radials that are generated by the body and help improve skin condition. Sometimes, birth control pills are also recommended to manage the levels of estrogen in the body.

It is possible that side effects may be encountered in this kind of treatment. Satisfactory background research into treatment side effects should be done. Take up any new therapy only after cleared by your physician or dermatologist.

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