Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Best Natural Treatments For Zits

By Frances P. Taylor

People that start to get acne and are looking for information on acne body wash will often use over-the-counter products such as Clearasil or Neutrogena to solve their problem. But what if you didn't have to do that? If you could use organic products to treat your acne, would you try it out? You will usually find that organic products are much easier on your skin than anything with chemicals. Your acne can get much better, especially if you use vitamins that can help your body cleanse your skin. Your diet can also be enhanced by taking the vitamins everyday.

You probably already know that green tea is quite healthy. The antioxidants in green tea can help against various health problems. That's why so many people today either consume green tea as a beverage or take it in some other form. Green tea is not only helpful when taken internally, though; when applied to the face, it can help clear up pimples. Believe it or not, lots of over the counter or expensive "natural" remedies that you buy in stores already have green tea extracts in them. So you can save money and just use the green tea by itself. It's cheaper, healthier and has been proven to clear even moderate acne problems.

Lemon acts as a natural antiseptic. As an added bonus, lemon juice is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory solution straight from nature. Household cleansers often use lemon, not for the scent, but because of what it naturally does. Certain foods are good for acne, and one of the best of these is carrots. The main advantage to consuming carrots is the amount of Vitamin A they contain. Your skin contains many sensitive and easily damaged tissues, and Vitamin A is very helpful at repairing these. It also helps keep the level of your mucous membrane healthy. When you eat carrots, you're also getting valuable antioxidants, which are helpful in many ways, especially in helping the body release toxins. Carrots are also well known as a food that's helpful for the eyes. So get used to those carrot sticks! Rather than pretzels, chips or candy, why not switch to carrots?

One of the best nutrients to take if you have acne is zinc. Zinc is another one of those remedies that's good for lots of things. Zinc is one of the best ways to combat winter ailments like the flu and the common cold. You can more readily fight off such problems with the immune system boost that zinc provides. Aside from all this, zinc has been proven effective at benefiting your skin. What recent research has shown is that people whose skin tends to break out are more likely to have this problem if they don't get enough zinc. There's no need to use zinc directly on your skin, as you might with other treatments for acne. The best way to get it is to eat foods that are rich in zinc or to take a supplement.

It is also true that stressed skin could from time to time be the very first phase of acne on the body, so make certain you also find some good details on remedy for body acne. There are a lot of different ways to fight acne. Chemically based acne solutions are often our first line of defense in regard to fighting acne that appears. Is it possible to not use chemically-based acne treatments and still get results? What you have just read provides three natural remedies to help keep acne off of your face. You just need to try them. It is in your best interest to try them out.

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